Red Teaming
Red teaming methodologies, tools, and techniques
Introduction to Cobalt Strike
0x01 What is Cobalt Strike "Cobalt Strike is software for Adversary Simulations and Red Team O...
Cobalt Strike Process Injection
0x01 Intro Here are my thoughts on process injection and share some technical details about Coba...
Domain Control Elevation
0x01 Preface Just a collection of personal notes covering the following: Password in GPP and SY...
Defenses Evasion (The Quick'n Dirty)
This is just a quick and dirty overview of some defense evasion tactics that are out there for so...
The RC4 encryption
The RC4 encryption algorithm is a symmetric encryption algorithm. Symmetric encryption algorithm...
Windows thread control
Multithreading undoubtedly brings a lot of convenience and improves a lot of development efficien...
Direct system call injection process to avoid anti-kill
The content is as titled. This is also a technology I have used for a long time. I have also pos...
How to Hide Your CobaltStrike
CobaltStrike Overview Cobalt Strike is the most prevalent threat emulation software packages use...