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45 total results found


Le contenu HideAndSec dans la langue de Molière.

NahamCon CTF 2020 Writeup


NahamCon CTF 2020 Writeup URL: I got board on the weekend a...

Windows thread control

Red Teaming

Multithreading undoubtedly brings a lot of convenience and improves a lot of development efficien...

The RC4 encryption

Red Teaming

The RC4 encryption algorithm is a symmetric encryption algorithm. Symmetric encryption algorithm...

Defenses Evasion (The Quick'n Dirty)

Red Teaming

This is just a quick and dirty overview of some defense evasion tactics that are out there for so...

Domain Control Elevation

Red Teaming

0x01 Preface Just a collection of personal notes covering the following: Password in GPP and SY...

Cobalt Strike Process Injection

Red Teaming

0x01 Intro Here are my thoughts on process injection and share some technical details about Coba...

Introduction to Cobalt Strike

Red Teaming

0x01 What is Cobalt Strike "Cobalt Strike is software for Adversary Simulations and Red Team O...

Premier exploit

Pwn [FR] Introduction aux Buffer Overflow

Premier exploit Maintenant que vous avez vu comment modifier la sauvegarde d'EIP d'une fonction ...

Passons à la pratique!

Pwn [FR] Introduction aux Buffer Overflow

Première phase de l'exploitation Nous allons desormais nous appuyer sur le programme précédement...

Brève introduction

Pwn [FR] Introduction aux Buffer Overflow

Tout d'abord qu'est ce qu'un buffer overflow? Et à quoi ça sert? Les buffer overflow sont des fa...

CSP Series

Web Attacks

1. Intro CSP (Content Security Policy) is there / in-place to mitigate some attacks, such as xss,...

SSRF Series

Web Attacks

1. INTRO SSRF (Server-Side Request Forgery: server-side request forgery) is a fake exploit server...

Bug Bounty


Obtain subdomains and links from the target host: for h in $(cat hosts.txt); do curl -siL https:...

NorthSec 2021 Badge Writeup


To learn more about the badge itself and the development behind the scenes I would recommend wa...

HackTM CTF 2020 Writeup


Since the CTF is still active I wont be dropping the flags. You can follow along and complete the...

[FR] Système des capabilities Linux


Introduction et principes généraux des Capabilities Lorsque l’on veut lancer un processus avec c...


For english people


Do you want some writeups kidz ?


Linux intrusion testing methodologies, tools, and techniques


Windows intrusion testing methodologies, tools, and techniques

Red Teaming

Red teaming methodologies, tools, and techniques

About Us

Who are we and who sits behind the mask?


Let's pwn the wrld


The World Wide Web


Articles with ready to use commands for pentest and CTF

Spawning TTY Shells


Shell Spawning Python python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/sh")' python3 -c 'import pty; pty...


Searching 0days for the mama

[FR] Introduction aux Buffer Overflow


Nous allons dans cet article voir qu'est ce qu'un buffer overflow et comment exploiter notre prem...





Different cheatsheets useful in Windows and Active Directory environment

Active Directory
SQL Server
Azure AD

Cache Poisoning

Web Attacks

What is it ? Cache poisoning was popularized in 2018, although this attack existed long before, a...

Reverse shells


Listener Before any reverse shell, you need to set up the listener, which will listen to a port a...

Direct system call injection process to avoid anti-kill

Red Teaming

The content is as titled. This is also a technology I have used for a long time. I have also pos...